Fall Cleanup is an important part of maintaining a healthy and thriving lawn. Here are some tips we recommend for preparing your lawn for a Minnesota Winter.
Collect the leaves
If you have minimal leaf coverage you can simply mulch the leaves back into your lawn during regular weekly lawn mowing. If the leaves are covering your entire lawn you will want to collect the leaves. Leaves left on the ground can smother your lawn, blocking air circulation. This can lead to mold growth, diseases, and dead patches in your grass when Spring arrives.
Pest Prevention
Piles of leaves can provide shelter for pests such as rodents and voles. Removing the leaves reduces potential nesting and removes a food supply for these unwanted guests.
Easier Spring Cleanup
Leaves in the Fall are much easier to manage and cleanup vs in the Spring when the leaves are wet and matted down from a Winter underneath the snow.
Be A Good Neighbor
Don’t be that neighbor whose leaves blow all over and erase the investment your neighbor has put into their yard. Plus looking out at a nice clean, presentable lawn will be sure to raise your joy level!
In summary, fall leaf cleanup is a crucial part of your long term lawn care strategy for maintaining a healthy lawn. Your lawn with thank you in the Spring when it’s primed and ready to emerge from Winter.